Company Settings

Configurable language, teams, branding, meetings, and billing

Written by Tommy Mains

Updated at August 21st, 2024

Accessing Company Settings

Owners, Admins, and Coaches can access company settings by clicking on their name at the bottom of the left navigation and then clicking Company Settings to adjust the following options:

  • Configuration — document your company's name and colors and adjust individual tool features.
  • Teams — create, classify, edit, and delete teams.
  • Language — change the terminology of your Ninety account.
  • Meetings — edit default meeting agendas for the whole company.
  • Billing — access your Stripe billing portal.



The configuration settings allow you to change your UI to have your company logo, brand colors, and your item settings. When you change the settings here, it changes it for the entire company. 

  • Scorecard
  • Rocks
  • Issues
  • V/TO®
  • Henryx
  • Security
  • The Accountability Chart®
  • Mastery



The team page lets you see all your teams and what kind of team they are (LT, Project, or Private) and will enable you to create a new team. If you see a person icon on the team line, it indicates that you are a member of that team. 


Our Language

In Ninety, we have configurable language to accommodate terms you already use. For example, at Ninety, we say “To-Do”; you might say “task” instead. Changing “To-Do” to “Task" from here changes it throughout the Ninety platform. 



Use the Meetings page to determine Meeting settings for your company. Some of the options on this page are:

  • create new meeting agendas
  • change meeting sections
  • time allotment
  • add new agendas

You can also choose which section is editable by other members of the company. As you change the duration for each section, it updates the Total Duration at the bottom of the page. 


Creating a New or Editing an Existing Meeting Agenda

  1. Select an agenda from the dropdown or click the plus button to create a new agenda.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click More Options.
  4. Click Push to All Teams.

To learn more about Meetings, see our collection of Meetings articles. 



Read this article for billing information.