Currently in Beta at Ninety

Learn more about our Beta Program, plus get a list of features currently available only to our beta companies.

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at December 9th, 2024

Joining Beta

Ninety's Beta Program is open for any individual to join and provides access to the most recent features to test in Ninety.

The Ninety Product Team sends an email to all users or pushes an in-app message when new features are released. To join, click below or contact your client success team through chat or email. Beta enrollment can take up to three business days. Leaving the Beta Program is just as easy — contact our CS Team, and we'll handle everything.

Sign Up


Current Features In Beta

  • Microsoft To-Dos
  • Knowledge Tool
  • Partner Hub Insights
  • Assessments Tool

Microsoft To-Dos

Within your Ninety platform, there is now the option to turn on an integration with Microsoft that pushes your Ninety To-Dos to your Microsoft Tasks list. The first round of beta is only a one-way push to Microsoft; meaning that any changes made on the Microsoft side won't get tracked in Ninety. Bidirectional sync is coming soon! 

📖 Learn more about our beta Integration with Microsoft

Knowledge Tool

Within your Ninety app there is a new tool, Knowledge, that is pre-populated with two collections - Ninety Learning hub and EOS Toolbox. These collections were created to empower your company running on EOS®️. 

  1. Ninety Learning Hub is a collection designed to help you get the most out of EOS® Powered by Ninety.
  2. The EOS® Toolbox™ is a collection of business management tools that help business leaders address issues in a practical and simple way. The tools are designed to help businesses grow, focus their teams, and run smoothly.

For more information on the Knowledge Tool, read our full Help Center Article.

Partner Hub Insights

Partner Hub Insights is designed to help you offer data-informed analysis to your clients. Here, you can view your clients' activity in Ninety and gauge growth opportunities.

Client Insights Overview

To see the health of your clients at a glance, we’ve created the health score to show how successful users are:

  • Completing To-Dos
  • Keeping Rocks on track
  • Rating their meetings
  • Performing on their Scorecards
  • Solving Issues

Partner Hub automatically updates each metric daily to keep you informed. Use this data to see how well your clients use Ninety’s tools and adopt the concepts you teach them.

Average Client Health Score

The Average Client Health Score section displays the health score average of all your clients using Ninety.


Client-Specific Health Scores

The Client-Specific Health Scores section has a dropdown menu of all your clients so you can see each company’s specific stats.


Frequently Asked Questions

How are health scores calculated?

The following variables are all weighted equally in the health score’s calculation:

  • To-Dos completed
  • Rocks on-track
  • Meeting ratings
  • Scorecard metrics
  • Issues solved

Assessments Tool

The Assessments Tool allows teams to help engage by providing a trackable way to provide meaningful feedback. The Assessments Page displays two different tabs based on permissions. Users with Admin or Owner-level permissions can see the Admin page, where they can create and start assessments. For all other permission levels, only see the My Assessments tab to keep track of the assessments assigned to them.

Assessments Available

  • Baseline Assessment 
  • Org Fitness Review

Accessing Assessments Tool

  1. Click Assessments from the main left navigation menu.
  2. My Assessments and Admin tabs are displayed (based on permission level)
    1. Owners, Admin, and Managers can create and start assessments
    2. All permission levels can see the My Assessments section, where all assigned, started, and completed assessments are located. 

For more information on the Assessments Tool, read our full Help Center Article.