Quarterly Discussions and Assessments on Mobile

Prepare for Quarterly Discussions and take Ninety Assessments from anywhere with our People tools on mobile app.

Written by Tommy Mains

Updated at March 17th, 2025

The mobile app allows you to create and prepare for your Quarterly Discussions, view a list of current and past Quarterly Discussions, launch Assessments deployed to teams you select, complete Assessments assigned to you, and view the results of Assessments.

In People, you will see two tabs near the top of the view:

  • Discussions
  • Assessments


Viewing Discussions

Each Discussion on the People > Discussions pages displays the following:

  • Name of the Discussion
  • Due Date for Completion of the Forms Required
  • Manager and team member Assigned for the Discussion (profile icons and Names)
  • Status of Discussion (In Progress, Complete)

By default, the Discussions list is sorted so that the due dates approaching the soonest are at the top, and no filter is applied by default.

By selecting the filter icon in the upper right corner of the screen, you can apply different filters to your Discussions list, including:

  • Person
  • Show (Active, Complete)

Once you select the filters you want, tap Apply filters. To remove all filters, tap the filters icon, then tap the Clear all filters button.


Editing Discussions

To edit, swipe left on a Discussion from the list view and tap on the pencil icon. Then, tap the Edit button in the lower right corner will allow you to adjust the following for the Discussion:

  • Name of the Discussion (Click the pencil icon to the left of the name to change it)
  • Description (Click the pencil icon on the bottom right of the description area to change it)
  • Time Period (Select the Start and End Dates of the Evaluation Period)
  • Due Date
  • Attachments (tap the paperclip icon to attach a document or photo)

Once you are done editing the Discussion, tap the Save button in the lower right corner to save your changes and return to the main Discussions list. If you want to revert your changes back to the previous state (prior to when you started editing the Discussion), you can do so by tapping the Revert button in the lower right corner of the screen.

You can delete a Discussion by selecting the garbage can icon in the lower left corner of the screen. You will be asked if you want to delete the Discussion and given the option to either Cancel or Yes, delete Discussion.

Selecting “Back to Discussions” at the top left of the screen will take you back to the main Discussions list.


Viewing Discussion Preparation Completion Status

To view whether or not the Manager and/or team member have completed the necessary evaluation for an upcoming Quarterly Discussion, you can swipe left to Edit the Discussion and will see the detail view, which shows the status of both the Manager and team member (whether completion of their evaluation is still in progress or finished for the other party).


Completing the Form for the Quarterly Discussion

To complete your form for an upcoming Quarterly Discussion:

  1. Tap People from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap the available Discussion to open the form.
  3. Once selected, you will move through a series of screens with the information you need to complete regarding the quarterly performance of the other person and also yourself, including:
    1. Core Values (+, -)
    2. Responsibilities (GWC)
    3. Performance Data
    4. Quarterly Questions (Custom Questions that a Company Can Add to the Evaluation)
    5. Leadership Commitments
    6. Coaching Commitments

You must complete all the required questions in order for the Finish button to become active. 

A message will appear at the bottom of the screen if there are additional required questions on the screen you must answer before you are able to advance to the next screen. Pressing the Finish button will submit your evaluation for the purposes of the review so that you can utilize both your answers as well as those provided by the other person to have a meaningful discussion.

At the bottom left corner of the screen is a status indicator that tells you what part you are on out of the total of 6, so you can gauge your progress as you complete the evaluation. Tapping the forward and back arrows will advance you to the next part of the evaluation and also allow you to go back and revise your answers to questions.

If, at any point, you want to stop, save your work, and return again later to finish the evaluation, tap the floppy disk icon in the lower right corner of the screen in order to save.


Creating and Scheduling Quarterly Discussions

Users with the Manager role and above can schedule Quarterly Discussions for team members who report to them (according to the Org Chart in Ninety).

To create and schedule a Quarterly Discussion on the mobile app:

  1. Tap the Create (+) button in the lower right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap the Discussions button at the top of the Create window.
  3. Add in the following details: 
    • Title of Discussion
    • Description
    • Manager
    • Team Member
    • Time Period (Start Date and End Date of Evaluation Period)
    • Due Date (Date of Scheduled Quarterly Discussion by when Evaluations Must be Completed)
    • Settings (All Are Selected as Default) - Selecting the Down Arrow on the far right gives you the following options to select from:
      • Self-Evaluation
      • Manager Evaluation
      • Hold a Meeting (In the Ninety platform)
      • Reveal Answers Prior to Meeting (Each party can see how the other responded in advance)

Select Create Discussion to create your new Discussion and return to the main Discussions list. 


You can also leave the Create window anytime by tapping the “X” in the upper right corner or swiping the bottom sheet down toward the bottom of your mobile device.



Viewing Assessments

When the Assessments list is selected, you are able to view a counter that represents the number of Assessments in the list (which varies with filters applied). The Assessments list includes both assessments that you own and have launched as well as those you have been assigned to complete. Each Assessment in the list shows you the following:

  • Name of the Assessment
  • Due Date for Assessment Completion
  • Status of Assessment (Not Started, In Progress, Complete)

By default, the Assessments list is sorted so that the due dates approaching the soonest are at the top, and no filter is applied by default.

By selecting the filter icon in the upper right corner of the screen, you can apply different filters to your Assessments list, including:

  • Team
  • Show (All, Active, Complete)
  • Created by Me (Yes/No Checkbox)

Once you select the filters you want, tap Apply filters. To remove all filters, tap the filters icon, then tap the Clear all filters button.

To the right of “Assessments” at the top left of the screen is a numerical counter that shows how many Assessments you have in either the list (the number varies with filters applied).


Editing Assessments

To edit an Assessment, swipe left on it from the list view and tap on the pencil icon (Edit). In the upper right corner of the screen, you will see a detailed view of the Assessment, including its overall status. Tap the Edit button in the lower right corner to adjust the following for the Assessment:

  • Title of Assessment (Click the pencil icon to the left of the name to change it)
  • Description (Click the pencil icon on the bottom right of the description area to change it)
  • End Date

Once you are done editing the Assessment, tap the Save button in the lower right corner to save your changes and return to the main Assessments list. If you want to revert your changes to the previous state (prior to when you started editing the Assessment), tap the Revert button in the lower right corner of the screen.

You can delete an Assessment by selecting the garbage can icon in the lower-left corner of the screen. You will be asked if you want to delete the Assessment and given the option to either Cancel or Yes, delete Assessment.

Selecting “Back to Assessment” at the top left of the screen will take you back to the main Assessments list.


Viewing Assessment Participant Completion Status

To view whether or not the individuals in the team that have been assigned the Assessment have completed it yet, you can swipe left to Edit the Assessment from the main list view of Assessments and will see the detail view, which shows the status of completion by all participants (identified by their name and Avatar). A “green” checkmark indicates they have completed the Assessment.


Ending an Assessment Early

To end an Assessment early (before the original End Date):

  1. Tap People from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap the intended Assessment.
  3. Tap the End Early button.
  4. Tap End Early to confirm.


Reopening an Assessment

To reopen an Assessment that has already ended:

  1. Tap People from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap a completed Assessment.
  3. Tap the Reopen Assessment button.
  4. Choose a new End date.
  5. Tap Reopen Assessment to confirm.


Completing an Assessment

To complete an Assessment that has been assigned to you:

  1. Tap the Assessment or swipe left and tap View.
  2. Tap Start.
  3. Answer each question (use the arrows to return to previous questions).
  4. Tap Finish when you're done.

Tap the floppy disc icon to save your progress and exit the Assessment for now.

As Assessment's Finish button isn't active until you've answered all the available questions.



Viewing the Results of a Completed Assessment

To view the results of a completed Assessment, swipe left and tap the pencil icon. At the top of the view, you will be able to see whether or not the Assessment was complete (meaning all assigned participants completed their Assessment) or incomplete (meaning not all assigned participants completed their Assessment), as well as the Assessment's results.


Creating and Scheduling Assessments

  1. Tap the Create (+) button in the lower right corner of the screen.
  2. Select the Assessment button at the top of the Create window to schedule and launch an Assessment.
  3. Add in the following details to launch your Assessment: 
    • Select Your Assessment (from the dropdown)
    • Title of Assessment
    • Description
    • Launch Date
    • End Date
    • Assessment Recipients (Select the team you want to complete the Assessment)
    • Create To-Dos for Assessment Recipients (Yes/No Checkbox)
    • Assessment Report Recipients (Select the team you want to receive results of the Assessment)

Tap Create Assessment to launch your new Assessment and return to the main Assessments list. 


You can also leave the Create window anytime by tapping the “X” in the upper right corner or swiping the bottom sheet down toward the bottom of your mobile device.