Managing Rocks and Milestones on Mobile
Review, update, and create Rocks and Milestones from our mobile app.
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Table of Contents
The mobile app lets you quickly and easily view your Rocks and Milestones.
Navigating to Your Rocks
Viewing Rocks and Milestones
There are two tabs near the top of this view: one for Rocks and one for Milestones. You can move between the two lists to view your Rocks as well as the Milestones you have been assigned as part of your own Rocks as well as those of someone else. In addition, you can view a counter for each tab at the top of the view that represents the number of Rocks you have and the number of Milestones you have in each list (which varies with filters applied).
Tap the filter icon on the top right corner of the Rocks page to apply one or more of the following filters to your Rocks list:
- Team
- Status (Off-Track, On-Track, Complete, Canceled)
- Show Archived (Yes/No Toggle)
Tap the filter icon on the top right corner of the Milestones page to apply one or more of the following filters to your Rocks list:
- Due date (All, today, this week, or overdue)
- Status (All, complete, or incomplete)
Once you select the filters you want, tap Apply filters. To remove all filters, tap the filters icon, then tap the Clear all filters button.
By selecting “Status” in the top right corner of the screen on the Rocks tab, you can sort the list by either off track Rocks closet to the top (upward arrow) or the bottom (downward arrow).
By selecting “Due Date” in the top right corner of the screen of the Milestones tab, you can sort by due date with the soonest due dates at the top (upward arrow) or the bottom (downward arrow).
Detail View of Rocks
By tapping on a Rock in your list, you can access a detailed view of the Rock, which displays the following as a mostly Read-Only view:
- Title
- Owner's name and profile icon
- Due Date
- Team(s) associated
- Description
- Number of Milestones Completed (And Progress Bar)
- Total Number of Milestones
- Names of Milestones
- Milestone owner and profile icon
- Due Dates of Milestones
- Attachments (tap the paperclip icon to attach a document or photo)
- Linked Items
- Comments (Tap inside of the text box to start typing out a comment where it says, “Ask a question or post an update…” Then select the paper airplane icon on the far right side of the text box to post the comment)
Tap Back to Rocks to return to the main Rocks list.