Rocks Analytics
Review your quarterly goal performance over time with the Insights tool.
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Rocks Insights Page
On the Rocks page in Insights, you can see how your teams performed with their Rocks in past quarters and track their progress this quarter. Rock performance for every team on your account is available for users with Owner or Admin permissions.
The graph shows each Rock's status at the end of the quarter or its current status in the Rocks tool:
- Completed Rocks are shown in green
- On track Rocks are shown in blue
- Off track Rocks are shown in red
Click on any of the variables on the graph's legend to add or remove its visibility. For example, from the default view, you can click On Track to remove the On Track portions from each bar graph.
If a Rock was left “On Track” by the end of the team's quarterly/annual meeting, then it will still show as On Track for that previous quarter.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don't want a current Rock to be recorded in Insights after this quarter?
To prevent a current Rock from being recorded Insights after this quarter, delete it:
- Click Rocks from the left navigation.
- Right-click the Rock you wish to delete.
- Select Delete from the options shown.
How are each quarter's date determined?
We group Rocks into quarters based on their due date. If a Rock's due date is past the middle of the quarter, then it will be grouped with that specific quarter. Here are the middle dates for each quarter:
- Q1: February 14th or 15th*
- Q2: May 16th
- Q3: August 15th
- Q4: November 15th
*The middle of Q1 depends on whether it's a leap year or not.
For example, Rocks with due dates between May 17th and August 14th are grouped together as second quarter Rocks.
How are Rocks archived?
Our platform automatically archives your team's Rocks at the end of your quarterly meeting. You can also archive your Rocks manually:
- Right-click a Rock.
- Select Archive from the options shown.
The Insights tool will use the status of the Rock from when it was originally archived.
Which Rocks are accounted for in this data?
All Rocks are accounted for unless they were manually deleted by a user before their due date or before being archived.