Linking Items
Add links between items in Ninety — such as Rocks, Milestones, Issues, To-Dos, and Headlines.
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Linking connected items in Ninety helps teams document progress, clarify dependencies, and prioritize objectives. Users can create as many linked items from existing items as needed.
For example, all Issues, To-Dos, and Headlines relating to a single Rock can be created as linked items from that Rock.
To create a linked item from an existing item:
- Click the ellipses on the far right of the item's row.
- Click the kind of item you'd like to link.
- Edit details as desired in the popup.
- Click the Create Linked button.
Creating Linked To-Dos From Other Items
Linked To-Dos show the item(s) it's linked to in the Linked Items section of its details card.
You can create a linked To-Do from an existing item in Ninety (such as a Rock, To-Do, Issue, or Headline). Click through the tabs below to learn how.
To link an existing Rock to a To-Do:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Rock's row.
- You do this in the Rocks tool or while reviewing Rocks during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked To-Do from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Rock's.
- Click the Create Linked To-Do button.
To link an existing To-Do to another To-Do:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the To-Do's row.
- You can do this in the To-Dos tool or while reviewing To-Dos during a meeting.
- Click Create linked To-Do from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the original To-Do.
- Click the Create Linked To-Do button.
To link an existing Issue to a To-Do:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Issue's row.
- You do this in the Issues tool or while reviewing Issues during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked To-Do from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Issue's.
- Click the Create Linked To-Do button.
To link an existing Headline or Cascaded Message to a To-Do:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Issue's row.
- You do this in the Headlines tool or while reviewing Headlines during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked To-Do from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Headline's.
- Click the Create Linked To-Do button.
To unlink an item for a To-Do, the user assigned the To-Do should:
- Click My 90 or To-Dos from the left navigation.
- Click the To-Do to open its details card.
- Scroll down to the Linked Items section.
- Click Edit.
- Click Unlink.
Creating Linked Rocks From Other Items
Linked Rocks show the item(s) it's linked to in the Linked Items section of its details card.
You can create a linked Rock from an existing item in Ninety (such as a Rock, To-Do, Issue, or Headline). Click through the tabs below to learn how.
To link an existing Rock to a new Rock:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Rock's row.
- You do this in the Rocks tool or while reviewing Rocks during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked Rock from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Rock's.
- Click the Create Linked Rock button.
To link an existing To-Do to a new Rock:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the To-Do's row.
- You can do this in the To-Dos tool or while reviewing To-Dos during a meeting.
- Click Create linked Rock from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the To-Do's.
- Click the Create Linked Rock button.
To link an existing Issue to a new Rock:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Issue's row.
- You do this in the Issues tool or while reviewing Issues during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked Rock from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Issue's.
- Click the Create Linked Rock button.
To link an existing Headline or Cascaded Message to a new Rock:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Issue's row.
- You do this in the Headlines tool or while reviewing Headlines during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked Rock from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Headline's.
- Click the Create Linked Rock button.
To unlink an item from a Rock, the user assigned to the Rock should:
- Click Rocks from the left navigation.
- Click the Rock to open its details card.
- Scroll down to the Linked Items section.
- Click Edit.
- Click Unlink.
Creating Linked Issues From Other Items
Linked Issues show the item(s) it's linked to in the Linked Items section of its details card.
You can create a linked Issue from an existing item in Ninety (such as a Rock, To-Do, Issue, or Headline). Click through the tabs below to learn how.
To link an existing Rock to a new Issue:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Rock's row.
- You do this in the Rocks tool or while reviewing Rocks during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked Issue from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Rock's.
- Click the Create Linked Issue button.
To link an existing To-Do to a new Issue:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the To-Do's row.
- You can do this in the To-Dos tool or while reviewing To-Dos during a meeting.
- Click Create linked Issue from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the To-Do's.
- Click the Create Linked Issue button.
To link an existing Issue to a new Issue:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Issue's row.
- You do this in the Issues tool or while reviewing Issues during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked Issue from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Issue's.
- Click the Create Linked Issue button.
To link an existing Headline or Cascaded Message to a new Issue:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Issue's row.
- You do this in the Headlines tool or while reviewing Headlines during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked Issue from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Headline's.
- Click the Create Linked Issue button.
To unlink an item from an Issue, the user assigned to the Issue should:
- Click Issues from the left navigation.
- Click the Issue to open its details card.
- Scroll down to the Linked Items section.
- Click Edit.
- Click Unlink.
Creating Linked Headlines From Other Items
Linked Headlines show the item(s) it's linked to in the Linked Items section of its details card.
You can create a linked Headline from an existing item in Ninety (such as a Rock, To-Do, Issue, or Headline). Click through the tabs below to learn how.
To link an existing Rock to a new Headline:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Rock's row.
- You do this in the Rocks tool or while reviewing Rocks during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked Headline from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Rock's.
- Click the Create Linked Headline button.
To link an existing To-Do to a new Headline:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the To-Do's row.
- You can do this in the To-Dos tool or while reviewing To-Dos during a meeting.
- Click Create linked Headline from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the To-Do's.
- Click the Create Linked Headline button.
To link an existing Issue to a new Headline:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Issue's row.
- You do this in the Issues tool or while reviewing Issues during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked Headline from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Issue's.
- Click the Create Linked Headline button.
To link an existing Headline or Cascaded Message to a new Headline:
- Click the ellipses at the far right of the Issue's row.
- You do this in the Headlines tool or while reviewing Headlines during a meeting.
- Click Create Linked Headline from the dropdown.
- Edit details as desired from the popup.
- The assigned due date will be seven days out.
- The title and description start the same as the Headline's.
- Click the Create Linked Headline button.
To unlink an item from a Headline, the user assigned to the Headline should:
- Click Headlines from the left navigation.
- Click the Headline to open its details card.
- Scroll down to the Linked Items section.
- Click Edit.
- Click Unlink.