Assigning an Item

Learn how to assign or reassign Rocks, To-Dos, and Issues

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Creating a Rock, To-Do, or Issue

When using the Create button to add a Rock, To-Do, or Issue, click on the icon next to the title to reassign it to a person on your team. Don't see who you are looking for on the list? Then, they still need to be added to the team. 

Re-Assigning a Rock, To-Do, or Issue

Rocks, To-Dos, and Issues all have the owner's initials or profile image (if a picture has been uploaded) to the item's far right and in the details section's top right. To re-assign to a new user, click on the item, then select the person icon at the top right of the details area.

Changing the Team

To edit the team that a Rock/To-Do/Issue appears on: 

  1. Click on the item.
  2. Choose a team from the Teams dropdown in the item's details box.

Changing the team will immediately remove it from the current page and onto the new team.

To-Dos: Duplicate for Multiple People

When creating a new To-Do, there is the option to duplicate it to multiple people. It works like this: