Editing Items

Learn how to edit Rocks, To-dos, and Issues

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

Editing an Item

  1. Click on your created Rock, To-Do, or Issue to see details. 
  2. In the details section, you can:
    1. Edit the Title and Description
    2. Change the Team
    3. Change the Owner
    4. Change the due date (n/a to issues)
    5. Write a Comment


On a Rock, you see the additional Company Rock toggle. Turning this on allows your Rock to become a Company Rock, moving it to the top of the list and automatically showing it on the V/TO® Traction® page.


A to-do that is past due automatically has an overdue icon next to the due date. This icon disappears when the to-do is marked complete, or the due date is moved.


A clock icon is at the top of the Issues section, which allows you to move the issue from the Short-Term or Long-Term list. The Issues page allows you to use the tabs to see each list, and long-term issues are also on the V/TO®.