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Sending an Issue To send an Issue to another team: Click an Issue to open its details card. Press the arrow by the originating team's name. Choose the new team from the popup menu. Once delegated, the sending team can create To-Dos and update the description, but they cannot solve, archive, or delete the Issue until it is sent back from the rece
Editing an Item Click on your created Rock, To-Do, or Issue to see details. In the details section, you can: Edit the Title and Description Change the Team Change the Owner Change the due date (n/a to issues) Write a Comment Rocks On a Rock, you see the additional Company Rock toggle. Turning this on allows your Rock to become a Company Rock, movi
Ninety automatically adds 17 measurables to the leadership team's quarterly Scorecard. This article defines and explains each one. Revenue: Money collected or that you expect to collect for providing services. Revenues (net worth resulting from a transaction) can be found on your Income Statement. Gross Profit: Gross profit is the profit a company
Changing Your Email Click your name from the bottom of the left navigation. Click User Settings. Click Account. Click the edit button (pencil icon) next to the Primary Email. Verify your password. Enter the email you would like to use to access Ninety. Access your confirmation code via email (from If you are using SSO, the Prima
Text Henryx through the actions below. If you have not activated your phone number, please do so first. Text Henryx the following actions get my To-Dos get my Rocks get my Issues change company change team add issue add Rock add To-Do add Headlines Commands cannot exceed 256 characters. Multiple Teams and Companies With multiple teams and/or com
The Assessments Tool allows teams to help engage by providing a trackable way to provide meaningful feedback. The Assessments Page displays two different tabs based on permissions. Users with Admin or Owner level permissions can see the Admin page, where they can create and start assessments. Users with all other permission levels only see the My As
Turn on/off the texting functionality with Henryx for your company. SMS comes activated by default. Henryx (SMS) is automatically turned on for your company, however, if you would like to remove the option for users to use SMS please follow the steps below. This action can only be done with those listed as an Owner or Admin in the system. Turn On
Joining Beta Ninety's Beta Program is open for any individual to join and provides access to the most recent features to test in Ninety. The Ninety Product Team sends an email to all users or pushes an in-app message when new features are released. To join, click below or contact your client success team through chat or email. Beta enrollment can ta
Printing your meeting agenda Visit the Meetings page Select Print Agenda. Change the team in the filter bar to determine what team's content is printed. Printing your meeting agenda gives you two PDFs. Agenda items Scorecard
The Admin page within the Assessments Tool allows Admin and Owners the ability to create, start, track, and analyze assessments. The Admin page is company-wide, so you see all teams and their assessments. Accessing Assessments Tool Click Assessments from the main navigation menu Owner and Admin permission levels default to the Admin Page for quick
Sharing the V/TO®️ The Leadership Team's V/TO page has an option to Share V/TO with All Teams. This function allows all teams to see the Leadership Team's V/TO from their individual team page. If a V/TO section has been cascaded to all teams, it can't be edited by individual teams. When on the Leadership Team V/TO page (and only the Leadership
If you do not see the conversation you need to prepare, first create the new Annual Review. To learn what Annual Reviews are and why they are used, read this article. Here we will learn: How to Prepare your Annual Review Forms. How to Run an Annual Review Meeting. How to Archive the Completed Meeting. PERMISSION LEVELS: As an Owner or Admin in the
Inviting an Implementer Only a user with Owner-level permissions can invite or add someone as an Implementer. Navigate to the Directory on the left main navigation. Click Add People. Ensure Invite to Company is selected. Fill out the required information (First Name, Last Name, and Email). Choose the Implementer Role on the corresponding dropdown m
Set up a phone number to receive reminders about your Rocks and To-do's! You can also subscribe to get a daily email. Both methods serve a different purpose, with emails being a daily reminder of tasks, while texts are a push notification only when there is a to-do or Rock due. Email Reminder These can be sent daily, and the day/time is chosen via t
The customizable My 90 workspace shows all your owned content, including To-Dos, Rocks, Milestones, and Measurables. Watch the video below for an overview. To-Dos To-Dos are the tasks assigned to users by themselves or their team. They can range from critically important to personal chores. Often, To-Dos are created during weekly L10 Meetings dur
Move a Measurable, Rock, or To-Do to the Issues list with the "Make it an Issue" button. While in a Level 10 Meeting™ or just getting things done during the week, you may see an off track, past due, or underperforming item that needs to be made into an issue. There are two options: Right-Click Right-click on any Rock, To-Do, Issue, Measurable, etc.,
Most companies running on EOS® will have a Same Page meeting between the Visionary and the Integrator™. Others in the company often run One-on-One meetings in this same way. This meeting covers three main things: Check-In Build IDS® List IDS® You can learn more about this teaching here — here will show you how to set up this Meeting within
What Are Conversations? Using the Feedback tool, Managers can initiate Quarterly and Annual Conversations that help prepare both the Manager and the Team Member. It's an opportunity to share what's working and what's not. In Ninety, the steps to complete a Conversation are: The Manager creates the Conversation. Both parties fill out the forms prior
Welcome! We will walk you through everything you need to know before Focus Day® (regarding managing your new EOS® information). What Is Ninety? Ninety is software built for EOS® to help you run meetings, manage accountability, communicate your vision, and more. You will find a tool for each of the Six Key Components™ in Ninety. Below is a walkthroug
Henryx is Ninety's texting service. After adding your phone number, you can text Henryx to add and retrieve content from your Ninety account. What If I'm on Multiple Teams? Henryx recognizes you're on multiple teams. When you add an Issue, Henryx will ask what team you want to put it on. What If I'm in Multiple Companies? Henryx recognizes if you'r
What Are Rocks? Within Ninety, the Rocks tool helps you create projects to be completed within 90 days. These projects should propel the team forward and further align them with the company's overall goals and vision. For example, if one of your company's goals is to increase customer self-sufficiency, and you are on the Education Team, you could c
What is the Issues Dashboard? The Issues Dashboard is a tool used by teams to track how often Short-Term Issues are being solved. Total Tracked Issues for this team Total Issues Solved Last Meeting Total Issues Solved Today (in the current meeting), with an indicator showing the difference from the previous meeting Solve Rate percentage for the curr
What is the Organizational Checkup®? The Organizational Checkup® is a survey created by EOS® Worldwide designed to help you understand your performance in each of the Six Key Components® of your business. Typically each team member fills out the survey at least once a year, and usually before the Leadership Team Annual Planning Session. Teams use th
Issues are the heart of our team meetings. We join together to Issue, Discuss, and Solve (IDS®) the Issues most pertinent to our week, quarter, or year responsibilities. Methods of Prioritization We have four primary ways to prioritize Issues during a meeting: Ranking 1-5 Top 3 selector Drag and drop Issues Voting Incorporating one or more of thes
What is the Knowledge Portal? Within your Ninety app there is a new section, Knowledge, the Knowledge portal offers in-app support to help you get the most out of our platform and the Ninety Operating System used by your organization. How Do I Use The Knowledge Portal? The Knowledge portal has two modes, Learn and Edit. All users have access to Le
A new or separate account has its unique data and users, so no information is transferred between two accounts. Billing is also done separately. If you need to be added to a new company, send the Owner or Admin these instructions on how to invite you. Creating a New Company Click your name from the bottom of the left navigation. Click User Settings.
What Are Issues? Issues are the problems, obstacles, ideas, or opportunities to discuss and solve as a team. Fully resolving an Issue could include creating a To-Do for a team member, setting up a meeting, or deciding no more discussion or additional action is necessary. For example, you could create an Issue to introduce a new team member. No furt
What is MFA? Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires you to provide two verification factors to gain access to Ninety. That means logging in with an email sends a verification code via text to enter into Ninety login. Company Required MFA An Owner*/Admin* can require all users to use MFA. To do this, Visit Setting
Creating a Rock, To-Do, or Issue When using the Create button to add a Rock, To-Do, or Issue, click on the icon next to the title to reassign it to a person on your team. Don't see who you are looking for on the list? Then, they still need to be added to the team. Re-Assigning a Rock, To-Do, or Issue Rocks, To-Dos, and Issues all have the owner's i
What is a Vision Building Day? After you complete a Focus Day and are having recurring weekly Level 10 Meetings, the next step of the EOS Process® is to have 2 separate Vision Building days 30 days apart. The purpose of these sessions is to further define and capture your company vision so your whole organization can focus, align, and thrive. Runnin
Several of our tools include options to export your data as a PDF or an XLSX spreadsheet. Exporting to PDF You can download a PDF from any of the following tools using the PDF button on the far right of the filters bar. Scorecard Headlines Issues Process Rocks To-Dos V/TO® Printing a Meeting Agenda Click Meetings from the left navigation. Choose a
Accessing the Configuration Settings Only users with Owner, Admin, and Manager roles can access the company settings page. Click on your profile row at the very bottom of the main navigation bar. Click Company Settings Click Configuration. Updating Your Organization's Colors and Logo Custom Colors Toggle on Custom Colors Click the colored square
What are Weekly 1-on-1 Meetings? Once a quarter we schedule a special type of meeting, a 1-on-1 with a leader and a team member. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the previous quarter. The team leader answers questions about the team member and the team member answers questions of their leader. This exercise builds trust between the two par
Make Ninety act like an app on your iPhone or Android mobile device. Below are the instructions for adding the Ninety icon to your mobile home screen for both iPhone and Android devices. These steps allow you to have one-click access to Ninety's web-based platform from your phone, so that it works just like an app! iPhone Open Safari Visit https://a
Forgot your password, or are you having trouble logging in? Reset your password with these easy steps. Visit Click Forgot Password and enter your email. Check your email and follow the Link. After clicking the link, enter a new password. Now you're logged in and can use the password next time you access Ninety.
What Is a Private To-Do? A private To-Do is a task to complete that doesn't correspond to any of your teams. The team doesn't need to track its progress or discuss it in meetings. These can be things for day-to-day work or private tasks like, “Do the laundry.” Private To-Dos show up on both the My 90 page and To-Dos page. The My 90 page allows you t
Integrating Ninety To-Dos with Google When you setup the Google Task integration with Ninety, all your To-Dos display on your Google task list. All updates you make to your To-Dos within Ninety will be updated on your Google page as well. When you mark a to-do complete, it marks off your Google task, and visa versa; you can complete your Google task