Make it an Issue

Learn how to bring attention to the causes that are important to you.

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

Move a Measurable, Rock, or To-Do to the Issues list with the "Make it an Issue" button. While in a Level 10 Meeting™ or just getting things done during the week, you may see an off track, past due, or underperforming item that needs to be made into an issue.

There are two options:

  1. Right-Click
    Right-click on any Rock, To-Do, Issue, Measurable, etc., in order to get a quick list of actions also available in the More Actions button (see below).
  2. More Actions 
    1. Open the details section 
    2. Click More Actions
    3. Select Make it an Issue


  • The workflow pictured works the same on measurables, To-Dos, Issues, and other items in the system.
  • You can edit the title, description, owner, or team when creating the Issue. 
  • The Measurable, Rock, or To-Do you "Make an Issue" will not be affected on the individual list. The information is being copied to be saved to the issues list and will not be connected to the individual item.